Sunday, September 25, 2016

Week 9/26-9/30

Last week was a nice little break from essay writing! The picture shows students reading "Charles" in their groups, filling out their handouts, and referring to their notes in their interactive notebooks. They seemed to enjoy the story and loved the fact that it was a cliffhanger, which, in turn, made their plot diagram a lot shorter, ha!

This week writing rears its ugly head again. Their assessment for "Charles" will be a mini-essay and then a group narrative. We end the week with beginning our third argumentative essay, at least, the planning stage (the real writing happens the following week). They are going to be deciding who the teachers of GVMS should vote for in the 2016 Presidential Election (Clinton, Trump, Stein, and Johnson are their four choices). Hopefully, they can help me out because I am at a loss (first time ever). This essay will not be a guided step-by-step essay because this will be a chance for them to apply the skills they learned. The good news (for some students, at least) is that they are going to be able to work with a partner of their choice. This will help them bounce ideas off of one another and support each other when it comes to their strengths and weaknesses in writing.

"Charles" PDF
"Charles" Handout Side 2
"Charles" Assessment
"Charles" Group Narrative
AR Log Check (Log-5 entries/Signature)
  *Students need to be reading an AR book that has a reading level >3.5 for 30 minutes 5 nights per week. Students need to earn 35 points at every quarter checkpoint (10/21, 12/9, 3/10 and 6/2). GOOD NEWS: Students only need 5-entries to take an AR quiz!

Presidential Election Argumentative Essay Evidence Sheet and Outline
"Charles" Summary (E-Portfolio)
In-Class Portfolio Set-Up/Goals