Sunday, April 2, 2017

Week 4/3-4/7

Last week was fabulous! I loved coming back from break and seeing my students. You really do have amazing kiddos and I am lucky that I get to be their teacher for an entire year!

I really enjoyed having the students set up their Student Blogs and Twitter accounts  (these are embedded in their blogs) for the novel Speak. All of their work will be published there, so please feel free to look at their accounts and follow our class hashtag #toll1617 and our class chat hashtag #tollchat from time to time. It is interesting and enlightening to see their thought process and perspective.

This week, we will actually start reading and discussing the novel. Students will be asked to analyze different aspects of the novel by creating dialectical journal entries (extended responses-one paragraph or more) and Tweeting (concise responses-140 characters or less) in order to demonstrate understanding of the novel in relation to characters, plot, themes, and other literary elements, and the ability to connect the novel to the real world.   
Structured Writing: Week 2
Speak: Character Sketch Front/Back
SpeakPre-Reading: Themes Group Share-Out
Structured Writing: Week 2
SpeakCharacter Sketch Front/Back
Blog"Welcome to Merryweather High" Dialectical Journal
Structured Writing: Week 2
SpeakCharacter Sketch Front/Back
Blog: "Welcome to Merryweather High" Dialectical Journal Due
Blog: Choice Dialectical Journal
AR Log Check (Log-5 entries/Signature)
*Students need to be reading an AR book that has a reading level of 3.5+ for 30 minutes 5 nights per week (students need to have the front side of the AR log completed prior to taking an AR quiz). Students need to earn 35 points at every quarter checkpoint (Quarter 4 is due 6/2). Please see the AR Log for more information. 

Structured Writing: Week 2
SpeakCharacter Sketch Front/Back
Blog: Choice Dialectical Journal Due
Structured Writing: Week 2
SpeakCharacter Sketch Front/Back
Blog: Comments/Feedback