Sunday, May 14, 2017

Week 5/15-5/19

Last week, students wrote a narrative and turned it into an e-book, dissected symbolic art, and analyzed different aspects of the novel Speak by creating dialectical journal entries (extended responses-one paragraph or more) and Tweeting (concise responses-140 characters or less) in order to demonstrate understanding of the novel in relation to characters, plot, themes, literary elements, and the ability to connect the novel to the real world.  Please continue to check out their Student Blogs and Twitter accounts  (these are embedded in their blogs) to see their published work--you are their audience! Check out Clarece's theatrical performance of her e-book:

This week, it continues! We are about halfway through the novel and we will continue to expand our critical thinking and analytical skills through reading and writing. We will have an AR check this week and next week (the last two checks of the year--tear!). AR is due June 2 and students must earn 35 points to receive full credit.
SpeakCharacter Sketch Front/Back
Blog: Third Marking Period #BookSnaps Vocabulary
SpeakCharacter Sketch Front/Back
Blog: Third Marking Period Themes
SpeakCharacter Sketch Front/Back
Blog: Third Marking Period Themes
AR Log Check (Log-5 entries/Signature)
*Students need to be reading an AR book that has a reading level of 3.5+ for 30 minutes 5 nights per week (students need to have the front side of the AR log completed prior to taking an AR quiz). Students need to earn 35 points at every quarter checkpoint (Quarter 4 is due 6/2). Please see the AR Log for more information. 

SpeakCharacter Sketch Front/Back
Blog: Third Marking Period Themes
Blog: Theme Development Flipgrid Video
SpeakCharacter Sketch Front/Back
BlogThird Marking Period Themes
Blog: Theme Development Flipgrid Video