Sunday, December 17, 2017

Week 12/18-12/21

Last week, students completed their Holocaust Hero's Journey Illustrated Research-Based Narrative Essay. I am in the process of assessing these right now and I will update Parent Portal as soon as I am finished. I should be done by Wednesday--fingers crossed. Click here after Monday to see their awesome narratives!

Accelerated Reader (AR) was also due last Wednesday. I know that this can be tough for some kiddos (and parents), but reading is so AMAZING! It really takes finding the right genre or even the right book for some students (I have a whole bunch of awesome books in my classroom library) AND making a habit out of reading every single day. Try to encourage your kiddos to read every night before bed--I am okay if the logs are filled out all at once and not nightly, I just want them reading! Reading really does help students in all aspects of their life! The next AR due date is March 14. I would really like to see students not procrastinating--if they read every night for 30 minutes (like they are supposed to do for homework--it is the only assigned English homework), earning 35 points would be a piece of cake!

This week, students will share their narrative essays and offer a literary critique to one of their peer's essays. Being able to critique and offer suggestions is an important skill that shows a depth of understanding of the material that will help to influence not only their peer's work but their own and facilitate growth--writing is never perfect and can always be improved!
Blogger Peer Reading and Commenting 
FlipGrid Script for Literary Critique 
Record FlipGrid Literary Critique
Blogger Reflection 
Non-Student Day/Teacher Work Day
Non-Student Day