Sunday, January 1, 2017

Week 1/2-1/6

Welcome back to the start of a new year and a new semester! It will be a new beginning for all and the last semester before these middle schoolers become high schoolers--time flies! 

Important habits to make this semester are for students to not procrastinate on their assignments (especially AR), to try their best, to stay on top of their assignments and grades by checking Parent Portal, and to advocate for themselves by contacting their teachers if they have any questions. These habits will definitely make them successful not only in middle school, but in high school as well.

Students will be taking the district-required MAP Reading Assessment. The MAP Reading Assessment is given three times per year: fall, winter, and spring to assess and celebrate growth. The MAP Reading Assessment is also crucial for high school placement. The high school English department and counselors will be evaluating the RIT scores to determine the proper placement for each student: English 9 Honors or English 9. 

This first MAP Reading Assessment was the baseline score and was used to identify strengths and areas for growth. In Parent Portal, I have included the baseline RIT score for each student from the fall and I will update it with the winter score as soon as students have completed the assessment (all of this information will be in the comment section for Assignment #2: Reading Diagnostic MAP). Please refer to the following documents for more information: RIT to Smarter Balanced and Target Scores

MAP Reading Assessment
MAP Reading Assessment
MAP Reading Assessment
Argumentative/Research Partner Essay: 1)Directions, 2)Planning Notes Due 01/10, and 3) Essay/Rubric Due 01/13