Sunday, January 22, 2017

Week 1/23-1/27

Last week, students learned about the 1950s time period and made some connections the 1950s have in common with today. They also looked at the main themes that we will be studying while reading Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. On Friday, we finally started reading and analyzing the text! They started off a little confused, but they worked through it by asking questions, dissecting the text, analyzing the use of literary devices and themes, and then putting all the pieces together. 

This week, we will continue to read Fahrenheit 451. Once again, I highly recommend that students have their own personal copy of the novel to write in, underline, highlight, etc. It is not a requirement as I have books for class use and a PDF online; however, it will help them interact and dissect the text (this often leads to a deeper connection and understanding of the text). 

Please engage them in discussion regarding the text--the more they think and talk about it, the more they will understand it and be able to analyze it. Simple questions such as: 1) what part stood out to you and why, 2) how does this relate to Bradbury's era and is it still relevant today, 3) summarize what you read today in regard to a particular theme, 4) explain something that you didn't understand at first, but understand now after discussing it, etc., will require them to think about the text in new ways. There aren't really "correct" answers to these probing questions as long as students can use evidence to prove what they are stating.
Fahrenheit 451 PDF
Fahrenheit 451 Plot Diagram / Character Sketch / Study Guide Part 1
Fahrenheit 451 PDF
Fahrenheit 451 Plot Diagram / Character Sketch / Study Guide Part 1
Fahrenheit 451 PDF
Fahrenheit 451 Plot Diagram / Character Sketch / Study Guide Part 1
AR Log Check (Log-5 entries/Signature)
*Students need to be reading an AR book that has a reading level of 3.5+ for 30 minutes 5 nights per week. Students need to earn 35 points at every quarter checkpoint (3/10 and 6/2). Please see the AR Log for more information. 
GOOD NEWS: Students only need to complete the front side to take an AR quiz!

Fahrenheit 451 PDF
Fahrenheit 451 Plot Diagram / Character Sketch / Study Guide Part 1
Fahrenheit 451 PDF
Fahrenheit 451 Plot Diagram / Character Sketch / Study Guide Part 1