Sunday, February 12, 2017

Week 2/13-2/17

Last week, students worked on their District Writing Test. This essay will be scored using a 4-point rubric. Scores will be higher than usual due to this rubric assessing the structural level versus the analytical level that I normally use to assess essays. 

This week, students will be back to Fahrenheit 451. I was definitely impressed by their literary analysis essays and at the growth that I have seen in their writing over the course of this year. They continue to tell me that essay writing is becoming a lot easier (music to my ears), but still not fun (sad tear). 

Students will need to bring in an unused/sealed box of tissues (any size and any brand) by Thursday. They will decorate them with the poem "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold and with their analysis of the poem. We will use glue, but if you have extra tape, they would probably prefer that (I used both when I made the example box).
Fahrenheit 451 PDF
Fahrenheit 451 Plot Diagram / Character Sketch / Study Guide Part 2
Fahrenheit 451 PDF
Fahrenheit 451 Plot Diagram / Character Sketch / Study Guide Part 2
AR Log Check (Log-5 entries/Signature)
*Students need to be reading an AR book that has a reading level of 3.5+ for 30 minutes 5 nights per week. Students need to earn 35 points at every quarter checkpoint (3/10 and 6/2). Please see the AR Log for more information. 
GOOD NEWS: Students only need to complete the front side to take an AR quiz!

"Dover Beach" Tissue Box Assignment
Fahrenheit 451 PDF
Fahrenheit 451 Plot Diagram / Character Sketch / Study Guide Part 2
"Dover Beach" Tissue Box Assignment
Fahrenheit 451 PDF
Fahrenheit 451 Plot Diagram / Character Sketch / Study Guide Part 2