Sunday, February 19, 2017

Week 2/20-2/24

Last week, students powered through almost all of "The Sieve and the Sand," Part 2 of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. Within this section, and excerpt of Matthew Arnold's poem Dover Beach is included and students analyzed all four stanzas of the poem. This will definitely help them on their essay test this week. Here is the prompt, if you are curious:
Guy Montag believes that books are what people are missing in their lives; however, Faber corrects him and states that three things are missing from people’s lives: 1) quality information, 2) leisure time to think about the information, and 3) freedom to act based on what they learn. In a well thought out essay, give examples of how Matthew Arnold’s poem Dover Beach proves Faber’s point in relation to Montag and the Fahrenheit 451 society (use evidence from Fahrenheit 451 and Dover Beach to support your claim).

They definitely have some deep critical thinking ahead of them (my favorite). Their skills have grown tremendously and I thoroughly enjoy the in-class discussions that I am getting from them regarding the themes of Fahrenheit 451. They are finally breaking free from having to always have the "right answer" and they are actually looking at things from different perspectives and offering several insights. I love it!
Fahrenheit 451 PDF
Fahrenheit 451 Plot Diagram / Character Sketch / Study Guide Part 2 (Due Wednesday)
Fahrenheit 451 PDF
Fahrenheit 451 Part 2 Essay Test
AR Log Check (Log-5 entries/Signature)
*Students need to be reading an AR book that has a reading level of 3.5+ for 30 minutes 5 nights per week. Students need to earn 35 points at every quarter checkpoint (3/10 and 6/2). Please see the AR Log for more information. 
GOOD NEWS: Students only need to complete the front side to take an AR quiz!

Fahrenheit 451 PDF
Fahrenheit 451 Part 2 Essay Test
Fahrenheit 451 PDF
Fahrenheit 451 Part 2 Essay Test