Sunday, January 7, 2018

Week 1/8-1/12

Welcome back from a wonderful winter break! I hope everyone had a wonderful time relaxing and rejuvenating around all those that bring us the most joy--our family and friends. This next semester will be more intense than the last semester as we build on what we learned and apply it more independently and at a deeper level. We will continue to focus on building our critical reading and writing skills as we tackle all genres of writing (narrative, expository/explanatory, and argumentative) again and focus more on reading and analyzing novels

This week, students will work on writing an argumentative essay on a topic of their choice. This is not a guided essay; however, they have all of the tools necessary to complete this task. It allows them to practice the argumentative essay prior to the district writing test at the end of January, while also allowing them the freedom to choose a topic that is of interest to them. Students will start by examining different topics, finding one that interests them, researching the topic using credible sources, and completing a pre-writing outline. The week will conclude with students beginning their essays in-class and receiving oral teacher feedback on their pre-writing outlines.
Argumentative Essay: Choice Topic Research/Notes
Argumentative Essay: Choice Topic Research/Notes
Argumentative Essay: Choice Pre-Writing Outline
Argumentative Essay: Choice Topic Research/Notes Due 11:59 p.m. to GC
Argumentative Essay: Choice Pre-Writing Outline
Argumentative Essay: Choice Pre-Writing Outline Due 11:59 p.m. to GC
Teacher Conference Station: Pre-Writing Outline Oral Feedback
Argumentative Essay: Introduction/Body Paragraphs
AR Log Check (Log-5 entries/Signature)
*Students need to be reading an AR book that has a reading level of 3.5+ for 30 minutes 5 nights per week. Students need to earn 35 points at every checkpoint (03/14 and 05/30). Please see the AR Log for more information. GOOD NEWS: Students only need to complete the front side to take an AR quiz!