Sunday, December 16, 2018

Week 12/17-12/21

Last week, students completed their Holocaust Hero's Journey Research-Based Illustrated Narratives and went through the peer editing process. Over the next few days, I will finish assessing these using the SBAC narrative rubric and input the final scores into Parent Portal. Please click here to view the narratives--some of them are absolutely amazing!

This week, students will watch the movie "
Anne Frank." This movie will give students a look at everyday heroes who became historical heroes and provide a visual depiction that allows for a deeper glimpse and understanding of the life that those endured during the Holocaust.
I should have final grades finished by Wednesday, December 19, 2018!
Holocaust Hero's JourneyPeer Edit Due
"Anne Frank" Movie
"Anne Frank" Movie
"Anne Frank" Movie
Non-Student Day
Non-Student Day