Sunday, January 20, 2019

Week 1/21-1/25

Last week, students finished their first essay of 2019! Their writing has not only grown tremendously, but they are also getting quicker with writing their essays. This is great news! I don't have them completely assessed yet (sorry!), but you can click here for some standard exceeded essays to use as a comparison. 

Please enjoy this Monday off as we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy. Here is a short video from Kid President that is bound to make you smile. 
This week, students will take the MAP assessment to assess their reading comprehension skills. This district assessment is given three times per year (fall, winter, and spring) in the hopes to show growth. When students are at or above the 8th-grade level according to RIT scores, typically one point of growth is all that one will see (click here to see score norms). For students that completed the test in the Fall, their scores are recorded in Parent Portal (refer to the Semester 1 Gradebook). This time, the scores will be used to place 8th-grade students into 9th-grade honors, English, or lab classes. To finish off the week, students will complete a HyperDoc to give them background knowledge in regards to the upcoming novel, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.
MLKJr.'s Birthday Observed
Block Schedule P135: MAP Testing
*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
Block Schedule P246: MAP Testing
*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
Fahrenheit 451: PreReading Building Background Knowledge
*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
Fahrenheit 451PreReading Building Background Knowledge
*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
AR Log Check (Log/Signature)
*Students need to be reading an AR book that has a reading level of 3.5+ for 30 minutes 5 nights per week. Students need to earn 30 points at every checkpoint (03/19, and 05/28). Please see the Accelerated Reader Roadmap for more information.