Sunday, January 6, 2019

Week 1/7-1/11

Bitmoji ImageWelcome back from a wonderful winter break! I hope everyone had a wonderful time relaxing and rejuvenating around all those that bring us the most joy--our family and friends. This next semester will be more intense than the last semester as we build on what we learned and apply it more independently and at a deeper level. We will continue to focus on building our critical reading and writing skills as we tackle all genres of writing (narrative, expository/explanatory, and argumentative) again and focus more on reading and analyzing novels. 

This week, students will work on writing an argumentative essay on a topic of their choice. This is not a guided essay; however, they have all of the tools necessary to complete this task. It allows them to practice the argumentative essay and gives them the freedom to choose a topic that is of interest to them. Students will start by examining different topics, finding one that interests them, researching the topic using credible sources, and completing a pre-writing outline. The week will conclude with students beginning their essays in-class and receiving oral teacher feedback on their pre-writing outlines.
Argumentative Essay: Choice Topic Research/Notes

*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
Argumentative Essay: Choice Topic Research/Notes
Argumentative Essay: Choice Pre-Writing Outline

*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
Argumentative Essay: Choice Topic Research/Notes Due 11:59 p.m. to GC
Argumentative Essay: Choice Pre-Writing Outline

*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
Argumentative Essay: Choice Pre-Writing Outline Due 11:59 p.m. to GC

*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
Teacher Conference Station: Pre-Writing Outline Oral Feedback
Argumentative Essay: Introduction/Body Paragraphs

*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
AR Log Check (Log/Signature)
*Students need to be reading an AR book that has a reading level of 3.5+ for 30 minutes 5 nights per week. Students need to earn 30 points at every checkpoint (03/19, and 05/28). Please see the Accelerated Reader Roadmap for more information.