Sunday, March 10, 2019

Week 3/11-3/15

Last week, students took a site argumentative writing assessment. This assessment allowed students to "show what they know" and practice the argumentative essay in a testing situation prior to the SBAC. Students seemed confident in their writing abilities without the use of notes and/or guides during the assessment. English teachers will get together and score all of these essays this Thursday.

This week, students will start the third and final part of Fahrenheit 451: "Burning Bright." The biblical allusions in this part are heavy, but I know that the students will be able to pick them out, research what they mean, and critically analyze why Bradbury decided to include them in this novel. 
Fahrenheit 451: Burning Bright HyperDoc
*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
Tuesday (Block Schedule 135)
Fahrenheit 451: Burning Bright HyperDoc
*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
Wednesday (Block Schedule 246)
Fahrenheit 451: Burning Bright HyperDoc
*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
Fahrenheit 451: Burning Bright Vocabulary
*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
Fahrenheit 451: Burning Bright Group Poster
*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
AR Log Check (Log/Signature)
*Students need to be reading an AR book that has a reading level of 3.5+ for 30 minutes 5 nights per week. Students need to earn 30 points at every checkpoint (03/19, and 05/28). Please see the Accelerated Reader Roadmap for more information.