Sunday, March 17, 2019

Week 3/18-3/22

Last week, students worked on their "Burning Bright" HyperDoc and even created a group poster that followed Montag's journey as a hero (literal) and as a Christian (symbolic). They have been doing a fabulous job--check out some of their posters below!

This week they will finish the novel! As a reward, they will watch the movie adaptation "Fahrenheit 451" (2018) instead of writing an essay prior to Spring Break (we could all use a brain break)!
Fahrenheit 451: Burning Bright HyperDoc
*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
Tuesday--Block Schedule 135
AR Log Due (Logs/Book Talks/30 points)
Fahrenheit 451: Burning Bright HyperDoc
*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
Wednesday--Block Schedule 246
AR Log Due (Logs/Book Talks/30 points)
Fahrenheit 451: Burning Bright HyperDoc
*Chromebook needs to be brought to school and fully charged!
Thursday--RHS Drumline Assembly
Fahrenheit 451 Movie
Fahrenheit 451 Movie