Friday, August 11, 2017

Week 8/14-8/18

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to Honors/GATE English 8! Once again, it is time for the start of a new school year. This year holds the promise of new ideas yet to be discovered, creative outlets yet to be explored, and untapped talents yet to be developed. Much of our learning will be project and discussion based, as it is my goal to give you opportunities for discovery, exploration, and development throughout our course of study.  Critical thinking (especially while reading and writing), questioning, peer interaction, and self-evaluation/reflection skills will be consistently practiced and developed every day.
Teacher Planning Day
Teacher Planning Day
First Day of School Activities
Syllabus/Parent Inventory (Due Thursday)
About Me (Due Friday)
Writing Diagnostic Article/Notes 
About Me (Due Friday)
Writing Diagnostic Essay (On Demand)