Sunday, October 9, 2016

Week 10/10-10/14

The students and I had some really awesome discussions last week regarding this presidential election as I was walking around and helping them with the essays. There are a lot of strong opinions, some general confusion, and all around curiosity about the future. It is great to see them thinking about the politics and investigating what they have heard, fact checking, and learning to look at the other side. One thing that I try to instill in the students is that we live in America where we are free to have our own opinions; however, that does not mean we should be ignorant to the other side or even attack the other side. Evidence, logic, and reason can go a long way, but personal beliefs are just that-personal. I will always challenge what they say to get them thinking about both sides of the argument diplomatically, without ever attacking their personal views. 

What I have really enjoyed about the process of this essay is that they are usually complaining about the actual task of writing--structure, analysis, etc.; however, this time, they are struggling to put the "truth" in their essay and feel confident about what they are writing without going against their moral compass. It has been great to watch them struggle because this means they are truly thinking critically about the issues. This will definitely allow them to make an informed decision when they participate in the nationwide Student Presidential Mock Election in their history classes on Tuesday. Here is a link to examples of "A" essays. 

This week, we will be shifting our focus towards a short story again. I always try to give them a week off from essay writing (it is really for my own sanity). We will begin the week with a study on mood and tone to help them understand Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart." While I am usually a sucker for romance and shy away from horror, everybody loves Poe! 
Non-Student Day
Student Presidential Mock Election (History Classes)
Mood and Tone Interactive Notebook Activity
"The Tell-Tale Heart" Background/Vocabulary
AR Log Check (Log-5 entries/Signature)
  *Students need to be reading an AR book that has a reading level >3.5 for 30 minutes 5 nights per week. Students need to earn 35 points at every quarter checkpoint (10/21, 12/9, 3/10 and 6/2). GOOD NEWS: Students only need 5-entries to take an AR quiz!

"The Tell-Tale Heart" Vocabulary Due Friday
"The Tell-Tale Heart" PDF
"The Tell-Tale Heart" Handout 1