Sunday, October 23, 2016

Week 10/24-10/28

Last week, the students really brought their ability to analyze to a whole new level--from reading a short story to writing a literary analysis essay that analyzes the themes of time and mortality! It is amazing that they can now take a 10-15 word quote and write paragraphs about the quote's deeper meaning. Here are some examples of "A" level essays from Friday's essay. 
One issue that the students really struggle with is having to be right all the time. Sometimes, this means that they are not willing to try for fear of being wrong. This is a trait in many GATE/Honor students because of that perfectionist tendency, but it is to their detriment to have an unwillingness to try. I am a former GATE student myself and, of course, I always want to be right; however, it is important to learn that one will not grow without failing, struggling, or having to work at something before truly grasping the skill. Please try to help me instill this in our kiddos that trying and not succeeding the first time does not make them a failure or wrong in any way, it just means they don't have it YET. This growth mindset is imperative to have in order to continue to challenge themselves to venture out of their comfort zones and truly accomplish the unimaginable. 

This week, students will be working on a RAFT Project. It is an in-class project where students will be able to work with a partner (if they want) and it should not require extra time out of class, as long as students are using their class time wisely. It should be a nice creative break from the deep analysis of last week.
Book Shelfie Quarter 1
"The Tell-Tale Heart" PDF
"The Tell-Tale Heart" RAFT Project
"The Tell-Tale Heart" RAFT Project
"The Tell-Tale Heart" RAFT Project
AR Log Check (Log-5 entries/Signature)
  *Students need to be reading an AR book that has a reading level >3.5 for 30 minutes 5 nights per week. Students need to earn 35 points at every quarter checkpoint (12/9, 3/10 and 6/2). GOOD NEWS: Students only need 5-entries to take an AR quiz!

"The Tell-Tale Heart" RAFT Project Due at the End of the Period
"The Tell-Tale Heart" Literary Analysis Reflection (E-Portfolios)
"Thank You Ma'am" Introduction and Vocabulary