Sunday, October 30, 2016

Week 10/31-11/4

Last week, the students were able to be creative--yay! Many of them chose to produce a new take on "The Tell-Tale Heart" by creating a graphic novel from a different perspective, a children's book that uses animals, a thematic song, or a newspaper from the 1800s. Students will be adding their projects to their e-portfolios, so please check them out in the next week or so. Here is an example of some amazing artwork from Sophia K. for her graphic novel--that is some talent! Also, please look at the book recommendations from my 8th graders as there are some really good books!
This week, the students will have a mixture of applying their critical thinking skills and being creative. We will be reading "Thank You, Ma'am" by Langston Hughes to reinforce the ideas of plot, theme, characterization, multiple perspectives, and literary analysis (not an essay--they are happy about that). The true creativity part will be when students are to create a song to coincide a film portrayal of "Thank You, Ma'am" incorporating elements from the story. I rarely offer extra credit; however, I am going to for this assignment. Students will have the opportunity to perform their song (sing and dance) for their class (and my enjoyment) on Friday, November 18 (a nice way to go into Thanksgiving Break). I will try to record some of them to share with the entire family over the break...I am sure many students will have their phones out for this one! 
"The Tell-Tale Heart" Reflections E-Portfolios
"Thank You Ma'am" Vocabulary
"Thank You Ma'am" PDF
"Thank You Ma'am" Slidedeck
"Thank You Ma'am" PDF
"Thank You Ma'am" Slidedeck
"Thank You Ma'am" Handout Side 1  Side 2
"Thank You Ma'am" Literary Analysis Assessment
AR Log Check (Log-5 entries/Signature)
  *Students need to be reading an AR book that has a reading level >3.5 for 30 minutes 5 nights per week. Students need to earn 35 points at every quarter checkpoint (12/9, 3/10 and 6/2). GOOD NEWS: Students only need to complete the front side  to take an AR quiz!

"Thank You Ma'am" PDF
"Thank You Ma'am" Slidedeck
"Thank You Ma'am" Thematic Song Project
"Thank You Ma'am" PDF
"Thank You Ma'am" Slidedeck
"Thank You Ma'am" Thematic Song Project Due 6:00 p.m.